Number of results 17
for sad
08/06/2017 - Elements

It rains.
As the clouds cry,
their tears are peacefully carried away.
To the rivers, to the oceans, to the sea.
Reaching unity, their rightful destiny, of pure and honest acceptance.
Raindrops of emotion.
Of love, happiness, and nostalgia
Of life at its full. Impossible to ask more.
In them, reflected three of the pillars of nature’s existence,
Sunshine, Fire and Wind.
Three forces that keep me upright
that hold me in place
helping me find who I am
what I am to do
what I am to love.
She radiates light, warmth and energy.
The energy of life,
light of wisdom, truth and guidance
rainbows of unrelenting positivity.
In her flames, she carries not only passion, boldness, and character,
but warmth, and light of sound wisdom and advice.
In which I see inspiring and mesmerising beauty.
She moves, touches and inspires.
Fills you with love, happiness, and meaning.
Knowing exactly how she must blow to keep you upright,
to hold and support.
Her power transcends limits of human imagination.
In the tears that I cry,
raindrops of emotion,
I see the reflection of your essence,
three of the forces
that hold me in place
helping me find who I am.
Tears carried away to the oceans, rivers and sea.
Where I feel whole.
Having reached unity, a sense of pure and honest acceptance.
Where I am in peace with myself and the world.
06/07/2015 - Pondering

This is a poem i got inspired by looking at a chair. To see the poem Click read more.
24/03/2014 - The letter which arrived too late

My eyes filled with tears as I read the letter again, and over again.
“If only she’d gotten the letter… If only..”
“If only, what?” a beautiful tall girl gazed at me as she asked me, her blond hair sweeping against her face. Her sad, haunting eyes reminded me of someone long lost and gone, yet I could not remember…
08/03/2014 - Wishing the Impossible

This is a poem I've written to one of my best friends, and from those who are reading this poem right now, I am sure you will know who it is for. The whole poem is both a metaphor and real all together, as some of the feelings are exaggerated..
I sit and watch you walk away,
until the hurt inside me pains my heart,
and I feel guilty that I can’t,
grab you and beg you to stay.
A week goes by and I cant stand,
a single day without our talks,
knowing that soon you’ll be nine thousand kilometres away,
while you are still so close to us.
It is friday, and I know you are on a plane,
and that in fourteen hours you’ll be half the globe away,
eight or nine hours difference,
from where I stand here today.
From the time I saw you leave,
little have we talked,
and neither have we been in contact,
and mostly because you weren't able to, either.
And my heart hurts,
because I miss you,
because people dont understand,
because Im not able express the pain I have inside.
Time has passed and Im not so lonely,
and neither am I so depressed,
but as I find myself sending you emails,
I wish you were on the other side, replying,
so that I can finally have some rest,
from my constant hurting and my constant missing,
and my constant wishing the impossible..
I sit and watch you walk away,
I feel guilty that I can’t,
grab you and beg you to stay,
and I cant stand a single day without our talks,
while you are still so close to us.
in fourteen hours you’ll be half the globe away,
from where I stand here today,
And my heart hurts,
because people dont understand,
because Im not able express the pain I have inside,
because, from the time I saw you leave,
little have we talked,
and Im not as depressed,
but I want to finally have some rest,
because now, you are nine thousand kilometres away.
Am I allowed to wish the impossible?
25/03/2013 - An apology letter

After days and days of uncertainty,
after checking the letter I wrote carefully,
after hours and hours of translating it,
after correcting everything bit by bit,
after not knowing if it was the right thing to do,
I decided to give my apology letter to you.
When I gave her the letter to give it to you,
even though the weeks of no communication were quite a few,
you decided to think badly of me,
and not take my letter as an apology.
That's all okay, I should have known it would happen,
but I couldn't just say I didn't feel abandoned,
I had to tell you exactly how I felt,
but if you didn't read the whole thing, you could have just let my letter melt.
I don't know if you've read the whole letter through,
but if you're reading this you know I'm talking to you,
if you don't read the letter carefully,
you won't be able to take it as an apology.
So if you've teared up my letter, it's okay,
it's not as if I'd thrown it away,
but if you want to read it again, go ahead,
because it's something you'll never dread.
And just to finish at last,
I didn't mean you to read my letter fast,
so read it again, and remember my words,
because mine are no better than any bird's.
21/01/2013 - I am confused; I want to know the real you, now.

One day you tell me,
that you like the way I am,
One day you tell me,
you'll go back to be who you are.
But you seem to be ignoring it all,
and being your pretending self again.
That day I believed,
your choice had been made,
you sounded so convinced.
and you showed me how much I can appreciate.
That day you told me,
you believed in what I believed in,
that you understood me completely,
that you would be yourself again.
And then the next day,
you become the worst fake,
of the yourself that I know,
and I am upset.
I am confused,
Who are you really?
Am I mistaken on the real yorself?
Did you tell me all that so we could be best friends?
I am confused,
Do you really love me for myself?
Do you really like me at all?
Or were you just being fake?
Do I know you at all?
If you are who I think you are,
you are a caring person,
a lovely person,
who cares for their best friends,
over anything else,
who would be willing,
to do anything to get their best friend back,
if a fight came in between them.
If you are that person,
why did you not want to talk about what happened?
why did you want it forgotten?
why did you sound all happy the day we were not speaking?
If you are that person,
I also love you for who you are,
but I want to know the real you,
31/01/2012 - Unpopular means invisible
To read the poem, click read more.
30/01/2012 - Random Invisible Cloud

It's haunting me again,
this painfulness of lonliness,
it's this cloud that surrounds,
that just sinks me into sadness.
I have lot's of good friends at school,
But lot's of them don't wait,
to go to classes, or to talk,
I'm sure it's not a mistake.
For the first time I cannot express my feelings,
For the first time you won't understand,
"I do wait for you!" you'll say,
and this'll make me sad.
At break I'm alone outside,
at lunch the table's silent,
only afterschool I feel better,
but I still feel isolated.
"Why am I invisible?" I ask,
"You're not" they will respond,
but deep deep deep inside my heart,
I don't even exist.
That's why this random cloud,
this random cloud of darkness,
is swishing here, and there,
surrounding me wherever I go.
It sinks me into this mess,
of problems that don't exist,
that I invent,
And I eventually feel depressed.
Why am I writing this?
Why am I writing random words?
But again, I still have this random invisible cloud,
following me wherever I go.
17/01/2012 - If such world ever existed

Imagine a world... the world as it should be. To read the poem, click read more.
08/12/2011 - If you ever know who I'm addressing to...

I am sad of things I've done before,
things that I wouldn't have meant,
I didn't know that it would hurt their feelings,
I don't feel at all "content".
I have good friends this year, you know,
but they still have bad memories of me,
and I feel really sorry I promise, really,
It doesn't seem I can find the right key.
Last year I did things I shouldn't have done,
because I took things seriously, I exagerated,
I wish it could have been none,
I wish all this would have been gone!!!
Oh please by reading this poem,
Oh please if you know I'm talking to you,
Oh please may you pardon me,
If you ever know who I'm adressing to.
25/11/2011 - She is hopeless

She steps into the rain,
hopeless, knowing that no one will help her.
She can't manage but who cares?
She is alone in pouring rain.
Click read more to read the rest of the poem.
11/11/2011 - The darkness that haunts me inside

As I step into darkness,
a place that I don't know,
As I step into somewhere unknown,
I know that it is my own one.
As I dart into a place,
somewhere more known,
but still hidden,
I feel what I feel.
My dream that I had,
never came true,
and why did I believe that it would ?
No one will ever understand me,
so what ?
I only end in the darkness,
the darkness that haunts me inside.
19/06/2011 - Drowning into a cloud of darkness
Drowning.. Cloud of Darkness... A very dramatic title, right? Basically here I am talking about how it is so hard for me to escape one of my personality traits: being shy.
I wrote it in 6th grade, when I was 11 years old.
To read the poem, click read more.
07/12/2010 - Snow (but this time melting)

That feeling when your birthday is in december and you just want to play with the snow on your special day... and just a few days before it, the snow melts...
Well, this how I expressed my disappointment in december 2010, a few days before my tenth birthday.
To read the poem, click read more.
11/08/2010 - sadness
Sadness is the bad word,
that replaces happiness,
sadness is the baddest feeling,
sadness gives you tears,
sometimes you think the world is full of sadness,
Sadness makes you cry,
so, sadness makes people think you're a baby,
Sadness makes you sigh,
right now sadness is what I feel.
By Judit Duran Calzada
06/08/2010 - discusting
Discusting I say,
when I see that playground,
when I smell it even,
from far away.
Some of it is green,
some of it is brown,
but they don't really know,
it is discusting smashed up painted car wheel tire.
All my friends go there,
and that makes me sad,
my mum doesn't let me go there,
and that also makes me mad.
But I don't care anyways cause it's,
discusting, smelly, green and brown,
smashed up, painted, car wheel tire.
By Judit Duran calzada
15/07/2010 - Weird Face
Scary face,
ugly face,
all these words,
when they ask me describe him,
there are 1,000 words.
Some people will call him scary,
some will call him ugly,
but my personal opinion is,
he's weird and that makes me worry.
poor him doesn't he know?
people are laughing at him,
and he doesn't think so.
By Judit Duran Calzada