She is hopeless
Friday 25 th November 2011
She steps into the rain,
hopeless, knowing that no one will help her.
She can't manage but who cares?
She is alone in pouring rain.
Click read more to read the rest of the poem.
Wherever she goes she isn't noticed,
she is invisible, she is a ghost,
when she talks, no one listens,
and her words go down into emptiness,
the place where no one hears them.
In class people don't notice her,
she hears them, she wants to join them,
but she can't, she is hopless.
She walks around,
she looks for friends,
she looks for hope,
but where are they?
She is alone in the pouring rain,
she is invisible, she is a ghost,
and her words go into emptiness,
where no one hears them,
she looks for friends, for hope...
where are they?
She hears them, she wants to join them,
but she can't, she is hopeless.
she is invisible, she is a ghost,
when she talks, no one listens,
and her words go down into emptiness,
the place where no one hears them.
In class people don't notice her,
she hears them, she wants to join them,
but she can't, she is hopless.
She walks around,
she looks for friends,
she looks for hope,
but where are they?
She is alone in the pouring rain,
she is invisible, she is a ghost,
and her words go into emptiness,
where no one hears them,
she looks for friends, for hope...
where are they?
She hears them, she wants to join them,
but she can't, she is hopeless.
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