Saturday 8 th March 2014

This is a poem I've written to one of my best friends, and from those who are reading this poem right now, I am sure you will know who it is for. The whole poem is both a metaphor and real all together, as some of the feelings are exaggerated..
I sit and watch you walk away,
until the hurt inside me pains my heart,
and I feel guilty that I can’t,
grab you and beg you to stay.
A week goes by and I cant stand,
a single day without our talks,
knowing that soon you’ll be nine thousand kilometres away,
while you are still so close to us.
It is friday, and I know you are on a plane,
and that in fourteen hours you’ll be half the globe away,
eight or nine hours difference,
from where I stand here today.
From the time I saw you leave,
little have we talked,
and neither have we been in contact,
and mostly because you weren't able to, either.
And my heart hurts,
because I miss you,
because people dont understand,
because Im not able express the pain I have inside.
Time has passed and Im not so lonely,
and neither am I so depressed,
but as I find myself sending you emails,
I wish you were on the other side, replying,
so that I can finally have some rest,
from my constant hurting and my constant missing,
and my constant wishing the impossible..
I sit and watch you walk away,
I feel guilty that I can’t,
grab you and beg you to stay,
and I cant stand a single day without our talks,
while you are still so close to us.
in fourteen hours you’ll be half the globe away,
from where I stand here today,
And my heart hurts,
because people dont understand,
because Im not able express the pain I have inside,
because, from the time I saw you leave,
little have we talked,
and Im not as depressed,
but I want to finally have some rest,
because now, you are nine thousand kilometres away.
Am I allowed to wish the impossible?
Wednesday 22 nd May 2013

Friendship is important,
and one of the hardest things in life,
but you can find your way through it,
and get to the golden light.
The paths will often complicate,
they will often become narrow,
but the hardest bit of it all,
is aiming the perfect arrow,
and hit it through the center of the wall,
and opening the secet passage,
that holds the key to perfect friendship,
that will not be causing any damage.
Tuesday 14 th May 2013

I have bestfriends who are very mean,
who laugh at me and never support me,
I have bestfriends who are very keen,
on making me look bad to other people.
They like to leave me alone and never talk to me,
they like to pretend I'm invisible and let me be,
they like to play hide and seek while leaving me abandoned,
they like to make me unhappy and pretend nothing happened.
My friends are the best friends I have,
my friends are simply fantastic,
because they are none of these things i have described,
and it's just me who just likes being badly sarcastic.
Monday 25 th March 2013

After days and days of uncertainty,
after checking the letter I wrote carefully,
after hours and hours of translating it,
after correcting everything bit by bit,
after not knowing if it was the right thing to do,
I decided to give my apology letter to you.
When I gave her the letter to give it to you,
even though the weeks of no communication were quite a few,
you decided to think badly of me,
and not take my letter as an apology.
That's all okay, I should have known it would happen,
but I couldn't just say I didn't feel abandoned,
I had to tell you exactly how I felt,
but if you didn't read the whole thing, you could have just let my letter melt.
I don't know if you've read the whole letter through,
but if you're reading this you know I'm talking to you,
if you don't read the letter carefully,
you won't be able to take it as an apology.
So if you've teared up my letter, it's okay,
it's not as if I'd thrown it away,
but if you want to read it again, go ahead,
because it's something you'll never dread.
And just to finish at last,
I didn't mean you to read my letter fast,
so read it again, and remember my words,
because mine are no better than any bird's.
Monday 21 st January 2013

One day you tell me,
that you like the way I am,
One day you tell me,
you'll go back to be who you are.
But you seem to be ignoring it all,
and being your pretending self again.
That day I believed,
your choice had been made,
you sounded so convinced.
and you showed me how much I can appreciate.
That day you told me,
you believed in what I believed in,
that you understood me completely,
that you would be yourself again.
And then the next day,
you become the worst fake,
of the yourself that I know,
and I am upset.
I am confused,
Who are you really?
Am I mistaken on the real yorself?
Did you tell me all that so we could be best friends?
I am confused,
Do you really love me for myself?
Do you really like me at all?
Or were you just being fake?
Do I know you at all?
If you are who I think you are,
you are a caring person,
a lovely person,
who cares for their best friends,
over anything else,
who would be willing,
to do anything to get their best friend back,
if a fight came in between them.
If you are that person,
why did you not want to talk about what happened?
why did you want it forgotten?
why did you sound all happy the day we were not speaking?
If you are that person,
I also love you for who you are,
but I want to know the real you,