Wishing the Impossible
Saturday 8 th March 2014
This is a poem I've written to one of my best friends, and from those who are reading this poem right now, I am sure you will know who it is for. The whole poem is both a metaphor and real all together, as some of the feelings are exaggerated..
I sit and watch you walk away,
until the hurt inside me pains my heart,
and I feel guilty that I can’t,
grab you and beg you to stay.
A week goes by and I cant stand,
a single day without our talks,
knowing that soon you’ll be nine thousand kilometres away,
while you are still so close to us.
It is friday, and I know you are on a plane,
and that in fourteen hours you’ll be half the globe away,
eight or nine hours difference,
from where I stand here today.
From the time I saw you leave,
little have we talked,
and neither have we been in contact,
and mostly because you weren't able to, either.
And my heart hurts,
because I miss you,
because people dont understand,
because Im not able express the pain I have inside.
Time has passed and Im not so lonely,
and neither am I so depressed,
but as I find myself sending you emails,
I wish you were on the other side, replying,
so that I can finally have some rest,
from my constant hurting and my constant missing,
and my constant wishing the impossible..
I sit and watch you walk away,
I feel guilty that I can’t,
grab you and beg you to stay,
and I cant stand a single day without our talks,
while you are still so close to us.
in fourteen hours you’ll be half the globe away,
from where I stand here today,
And my heart hurts,
because people dont understand,
because Im not able express the pain I have inside,
because, from the time I saw you leave,
little have we talked,
and Im not as depressed,
but I want to finally have some rest,
because now, you are nine thousand kilometres away.
Am I allowed to wish the impossible?
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