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Articles contributed by : Tara

Sunday 13 th March 2011
Fresh Cold
Everywhere and Nowhere
It caresses my skin

Sunday 13 th March 2011
 why do I have to go to classes?
I wish I could just go to school for recesses
It would make life a hole lot more fun

I know some peole can't go to school 
and I know I shouldn't be saying all this because I'm lucky I can go to school
but still..
I wish I was born with all the knowledge I would need in my life

Sunday 13 th March 2011
 a poem is a piece of text where the poet tries to say as many things in as little words
- that's the boring explanation

it could be almost any piece of writing you want
wether it has three or a hundred words
that's what the teacher says

still I'm confused.
nobody can really know what a poem is
at least if it has as many meanings as I think it does

Sunday 13 th March 2011
Could it be her
she act so nice
I she mean on the inside?
It's possible..

she describes her just like it where me
why would she do such a thing
Maybe she meant for me to read it 
that would be mean

is she really my friend

What is a friend like?
What does the word friend actually mean?
How do they act?
Nobody really knows..

I have so many questions,
but not enough answers

And I wonder 
Could it be

Saturday 12 th March 2011
Goodbye, see you later, hope to see you again...
I have no words to describe this moment,
no words that are sad enough
I can hear you walking away, will you come back?
You don't answer me..
please, please, just say something
You don't say anything, a tear rolls down your face...
then finally you say..........


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