Number of results 11
for time
03/04/2015 - Art Exam
This above is my final exam piece. Click read more to see the work that led up to it and that was submitted for my IGCSE art exam.
27/03/2015 - Life in an Hourglass (Exam)

22/03/2015 - Life in an Hourglass (Draft)
22/03/2015 - Time Overpowered by Nature
18/03/2015 - Watch Lino Prints

07/03/2015 - Observational Drawing of a Watch - edited by the ipad
16/02/2015 - Wooden Clock
15/02/2015 - Hourglass

08/02/2015 - Plant life - Changing Times
05/02/2015 - Sky Time
This is a drawing I did on the ipad, while I was on the bus.

02/02/2015 - Observational Drawing of a Watch
I am currently working on some exam preparation for the topic "changing times" in art class. This is an observational drawing of my watch that I did to contribute to my project.