Number of results 11
for happy
05/03/2018 - My City

How they long for their big, bustling city!
Its crowds, the sounds,
the buses, trains, the cabs and trams,
the variety and colour of streets, the infinite shops, the choice of where to go,
the sights, the museums, the romance of night lights.
How every day is different, how varied the opportunities, the paths.
In my city,
the crowds fly and the sounds are melodies,
its inhabitants buzz, chirp, flow and hop by,
the streets divide into multitudes of colours and shapes, every inch as different
as two bricks are the same.
In the smallest of spaces there is infinity, and in the biggest, the choice of where to look,
and when the light shines, it fills the wholeness of space and the soleness of my heart,
the romance hidden in the little mysteries of a solemn sky.
How different each day is, how varied the opportunities, the paths!
Today I look upon that burst of pink,
the birth of buds,
the little droplets hanging from the pine leaves.
The branches, I notice, hang lower today,
the whiteness of the ground is of a different shade,
and while the birds sing as they did before,
I know their song is not the same.
The water that glides the surface of the stream is ever changing,
like the atoms that cycle in the dynamism of Life.
So I don’t long for my big, bustling city.
It goes with me wherever I go
Big as ever, no matter how small.
27/02/2018 - Open

Open your eyes.
Listen to the rustling leaves,
the sound of snow falling from the trees,
the gentle whisper of the stream.
The birds that sing their welcome!
That chirp in unifying peace.
I hear the crunching of the snow beneath my feet,
among the little sounds that
awake the silence.
And around me,
the beauty of that white cover, so delicate,
so fine.
Though cold, it brings a warmth to the elements that
I can’t define.
So, while you complain about the cold,
the immeasurable horror of the inconvenience that is snow,
I beg you to reconsider with all that you know.
And indulge in this silent, liberating peace.
For in my heart lies the hope that one day,
you will open your eyes.
Awake from your dream.
And find Life
simply by listening to the wind.
08/06/2017 - Elements

It rains.
As the clouds cry,
their tears are peacefully carried away.
To the rivers, to the oceans, to the sea.
Reaching unity, their rightful destiny, of pure and honest acceptance.
Raindrops of emotion.
Of love, happiness, and nostalgia
Of life at its full. Impossible to ask more.
In them, reflected three of the pillars of nature’s existence,
Sunshine, Fire and Wind.
Three forces that keep me upright
that hold me in place
helping me find who I am
what I am to do
what I am to love.
She radiates light, warmth and energy.
The energy of life,
light of wisdom, truth and guidance
rainbows of unrelenting positivity.
In her flames, she carries not only passion, boldness, and character,
but warmth, and light of sound wisdom and advice.
In which I see inspiring and mesmerising beauty.
She moves, touches and inspires.
Fills you with love, happiness, and meaning.
Knowing exactly how she must blow to keep you upright,
to hold and support.
Her power transcends limits of human imagination.
In the tears that I cry,
raindrops of emotion,
I see the reflection of your essence,
three of the forces
that hold me in place
helping me find who I am.
Tears carried away to the oceans, rivers and sea.
Where I feel whole.
Having reached unity, a sense of pure and honest acceptance.
Where I am in peace with myself and the world.
24/10/2011 - I'm so happy that I'm happy

I'm so happy,
that I'm happy,
Oh how I'm trying to be happy!
But I am bored,
Oh dear me,
I have no idea of what to do.
So I type and type,
random words,
so that I get some sense of humor....
01/12/2010 - Snow

Don't you love snow? Well, I certainly did as a child, and I still do now! This poem was written nine days before my tenth birthday, hoping that the snow would still be there on my special day...
To read the poem, click read more.
11/08/2010 - sadness
Sadness is the bad word,
that replaces happiness,
sadness is the baddest feeling,
sadness gives you tears,
sometimes you think the world is full of sadness,
Sadness makes you cry,
so, sadness makes people think you're a baby,
Sadness makes you sigh,
right now sadness is what I feel.
By Judit Duran Calzada
15/07/2010 - Weird Face
Scary face,
ugly face,
all these words,
when they ask me describe him,
there are 1,000 words.
Some people will call him scary,
some will call him ugly,
but my personal opinion is,
he's weird and that makes me worry.
poor him doesn't he know?
people are laughing at him,
and he doesn't think so.
By Judit Duran Calzada
15/07/2010 - beautiful
He says she has:
Beautiful hair,
beautiful nose,
beautiful feet,
beautiful rose.
Aaah! How beautiful she is,
my heart starts to quicken,
I feel like a chicken,
compared with her.
I want to marry her,
how much does she cost?
My parents won't let me,
but I really must.
She has a rose,
it is ready for me,
and one day I'll ask:
Roberta will you marry me?
by Judit Duran Calzada
13/07/2010 - happiness
Happiness is the word that replaces sadness,
happiness is the best feeling,
happiness gives you joy,
sometimes you fell the world is full of happiness.
Happiness makes you jump around,
so, happiness makes people think you are crazy,
happiness makes your heart pound,
right now,
happiness is what I feel.
By Judit Duran Calzada
happiness is the best feeling,
happiness gives you joy,
sometimes you fell the world is full of happiness.
Happiness makes you jump around,
so, happiness makes people think you are crazy,
happiness makes your heart pound,
right now,
happiness is what I feel.
By Judit Duran Calzada
03/07/2010 - PATATA!!!
I wanted to do a poem that cheers me up...
so I wrote a poem based on my favorit word:
Patata, patata, patata,
boing patata,
splash patata,
boom patata,
fall patata,
thump patata,
step patata,
By Judit Duran Calzada
so I wrote a poem based on my favorit word:
Patata, patata, patata,
boing patata,
splash patata,
boom patata,
fall patata,
thump patata,
step patata,
By Judit Duran Calzada
02/07/2010 - A Friend
Friends are people,
that help you in in the world,
but in the case of children,
people that play with you.
Friends are mostly,
people that you trust,
people that you care,
people that won't call you mean names,
people that will stay friends with you,
They wil sing with you,
they will laugh with you,
but mostly support you.
And they will never laugh at you.
So I personally tell you ,
finding a true best friend,
By Judit Duran Calzada