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for confused
26/03/2013 - English class

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21/01/2013 - I am confused; I want to know the real you, now.

One day you tell me,
that you like the way I am,
One day you tell me,
you'll go back to be who you are.
But you seem to be ignoring it all,
and being your pretending self again.
That day I believed,
your choice had been made,
you sounded so convinced.
and you showed me how much I can appreciate.
That day you told me,
you believed in what I believed in,
that you understood me completely,
that you would be yourself again.
And then the next day,
you become the worst fake,
of the yourself that I know,
and I am upset.
I am confused,
Who are you really?
Am I mistaken on the real yorself?
Did you tell me all that so we could be best friends?
I am confused,
Do you really love me for myself?
Do you really like me at all?
Or were you just being fake?
Do I know you at all?
If you are who I think you are,
you are a caring person,
a lovely person,
who cares for their best friends,
over anything else,
who would be willing,
to do anything to get their best friend back,
if a fight came in between them.
If you are that person,
why did you not want to talk about what happened?
why did you want it forgotten?
why did you sound all happy the day we were not speaking?
If you are that person,
I also love you for who you are,
but I want to know the real you,