We're Coming (Don't Lose Faith)
Friday 9 th March 2012This poem is dedicated to all the small children, girls and boys, forced into Joseph Kony's organisation. Please don't give up hope, we're coming.
Everyday I go to school
I wonder if I look cool
I wonder, who will tease me today?
And will a bad grade lead me astray?
I surf the web, and on Facebook I find
"Stop Kony '12" and I am inclined
To watch a video made this year
After it's done, the message is clear:
Stop the crimes, stop the hate,
Don't let killing be another child's fate
Snatched from thier homes in the darkness of night
Given a gun and told to fight.
And as for the girls, thier days are degrading,
You can see in thier eyes, all hope is fading.
Families and friends, forced to kill
Torture others against thier own will.
For years and years the crime has gone on
We all know it's cruel and it's wrong
And us together, me and you,
All together, what can we do?
We make Kony famous,
We utter his name
In every single street
The bad kind of fame.
Lets get him noticed
Make them all look
No justice for 26 years
Should've have taken as long as it took
Put up posters
With paper and glue
Buy a bracelet
Get not one, but two
Know who he is, watch his video too,
And try to stop his cruelty crew.
The Americans, they're planning
To capture this man
But they need enough support
So that they can
So please, please, children,
Hold on a bit more,
'Cos someday soon,
We'll be knocking on your door.
We're coming, kids,
Keep a smile on your face
And most of all...
Don't lose faith.
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