Slow Dancing
Wednesday 22 nd February 2012It was kind of sudden...
I'm not really sure...
If a boy should ask you to slowdance
During the song, or before
This boy asked me
During the song
And to be honest
I think I did it wrong!
It was kind of awkward
To tell you the truth
Looking over his shoulder
Was quite uncouth!
My hands draped on his shoulders
In a very weird way
As soon as our slowdance started
I'm sure he wanted to get away!
But as we were spinning round and round
I thought, maybe this isn't so bad
And when my brother saw me dancing
I didn't even get mad
I saw my friends winking at me
From the corners of the room
And suddenly, it seemed
The end was coming soon
So I savoured those last moments
Of that slowdance, that is true
And to the boy who danced with me...
Thank you.
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