Friday 26 th April 2013In the world that we live in,
whatever happens in this stupid bin,
whether you're black, white or tanned,
nobody ever tries to understand.
They just judge you by the people you support,
by whether your friends are cut short,
by if you like talking openly.
by if you like being flirty.
If you are wierd, different, or shy,
or if you like a random retarded guy,
if you are yourself and not under someone's command,
People think bad about you and don't try to understand.
I am a person as all of you are,
my friends are also people even if you might think they're bizarre,
so try to put yourself into our shoes,
because if you don't it's you people who lose,
I hope my message spreads really far,
because some people don't get to be the lucky star.
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